Benefits for You
- Sensorized glove that is clinically proven to improve hand function in 2 to 3 weeks for many stroke warriors
- Ideal for users with neurological injuries (stroke, cerebral palsy, spinal cord injury, brain injury, developmental disability, neurologic & muscular injury)
- Real-time visual & auditory feedback
- FDA listed neurorehab that helps improve mobility for hands and fingers
- Combines therapeutic music and gaming for an immersive rehab experience
- Used in 300+ rehabilitation hospitals, 10,000+ homes
MusicGlove works by motivating users to perform hundreds of therapeutic hand and finger exercises while playing an engaging musical game.
- To use the device, you simply put the MusicGlove on your hand and press play.
- Then, follow along and make the appropriate pinching movements when each musical note floats down the screen.